January 2022


Printable pdf  25 January 2022 Minutes of Zoom Meeting
MINUTES – Ordinary Zoom Meeting – Tuesday, 25 January, at 7.00 pm, held online
I Hiner (Vice Chairman) Meeting Chairman
M Gibson (Treasurer)
G Courtney
John Dines
P Ellum
N Harrisson
D Patient

Apologies for absence were received from Jim Dines, N Cardy, K Lagan, A Wiseman.

There were none, other than those declared during the meeting.

33        MINUTES – MEETING 5 October 2021
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 October 2021 were formally received.  It was AGREED that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 October 2021 be confirmed as a correct record.

Jim Dines had emailed in his comments on Matters Arising:-
Minute 23 Item 2 and Minute 27 Triathlon 2022
Jim Dines stated that he had emailed Active Training and they were reviewing the course to ensure they would not encroach over too much of the channel and MHIC would ensure that pre-warning was out to Harbour Users much earlier.  Commissioners reiterated the need for active consultation over the Triathlon, with awareness of the role of Maldon District Council.
Gig Club Pontoon
Jim Dines stated that he had received approval from Natural England and was now waiting for the Marine Management Organisation to approve self-certification application which should be done on his return on 6 February 2022.  Discussion on this topic was continued in the Clerk’s Report see Minute 35 below.

35        CLERK’S REPORT

Item 1.            Gig Club Pontoon – Replace with single steel pile on the end of the floating pontoon.  Natural England has responded that they have no objection.  It “advises that the proposal is unlikely to affect any statutorily protected nature conservation sites providing strict adherence to the method statement provided.
G Courtney explained that two piles would be replaced by one steel which would be more substantial than the old two.  However, this replacement needed to be done soon owing to the current instability of the pontoon.  There was further discussion clarifying that the MMO Application was from the Gig Club.  G Courtney would email Jim Dines to ascertain the exact situation.  John Dines queried what “self-certify” meant.  D Patient commented that in the past MMO had been very concerned about nesting birds so approval would be needed soon to avoid this becoming a factor.

The Treasurer had emailed that only  tax and salary had been paid out since last meeting.  The MHIC balance as at 25 January 2022 would be £12,458.98.

37        BUOY REPORT
I Hiner thanked Commissioners for their help with fittings in December 2021.  New pennents may be needed.  He would be submitting costs for fuel and materials.
Inspection carried out afloat on tide, 19 January 2022
Harbour Limit Port – Good condition.
Note as previously reported close proximity of BSC Yellow racing buoy.
Harbour Limit Starboard – Good condition.  (New galvanised centre fitted 9/12/21.)
No 9 Stbd – (Fibreglass buoy)  NEW small mechanical impact damage seen mid side.  This damage sustained since 9 December 2021 inspection.
Further examination required.
No 10 Port – (Heavy fibreglass buoy)  Good condition.  Additional bird scaring required.
No 11 Stbd – (Fibreglass buoy.)  Good condition.
No 12 Port – Good condition.  (New galvanised centre fitted 9 December 2021.)
No 13 Stbd – The number 3 degrading at bottom, as previously reported.  Buoy OK.
No 14 Port – (Fibreglass buoy.)  Good condition.  Some bird fouling on top.
No 15 Stbd – Good condition.
No 16 Port – Good condition.
No 17 Stbd – Slight damage to the number 1, as previously reported.  Buoy OK.
No 19 Stbd – The number 9 has blisters under.  Buoy OK.

Jim Dines had emailed his comment that MHIC should proceed with the current proposal.  It had never received a better price for the same cover.  If requests for quotes go out to the very limited market every year, the companies would just not respond.  I Hiner agreed.  This year the total cost for the Commercial Marine Combined Liability Policy and the Commercial Legal Expenses Insurance was £1729.29.
G Courtney emphasised the need to obtain a range of quotes regularly.  This had been done last year.  During 2022 the Clerk would seek out companies with a view to getting quotes for 2023.

The Clerk stated that most Returns had come in and was chasing the outstanding two.  The Clerk had asked operators to provide a Nil Return if appropriate to ensure records were complete.

Nigel Harmer, River Bailiff, reported that Chelmsford Magistrates had found a Mr Inwood guilty of excess speed within the River Blackwater this week, and imposed a fine of £100 + £150 costs.  The case had been brought by Maldon District Council following submission of information from Essex Police, who had been using the new Personal Water Craft at the time.”

Item a)            Regarding the Triathlon 2022, P Ellum pointed out that Active Training had a date of 10 July 2022 on their website although that might not be at optimum tide conditions.
G Courtney asked if the Triathlon Risk Assessment had come through.  It had not.  The Clerk would liaise with Jim Dines regarding this.

The Chairman closed the meeting a 7.30 pm