The Maldon Harbour Improvement Commissioners (MHIC) are the statutory harbour authority for the Port of Maldon. The Commissioners are incorporated by Act of Parliament through The Maldon Harbour Order 1865 for ‘the improvement, maintenance and regulation of the Harbour at Maldon in the County of Essex’.
The harbour area extends ‘in and over the whole of the River Blackwater’ from Fullbridge, up Heybridge Creek, and downstream to a point some 70 metres above the Chelmer and Blackwater Canal lock entrance at Heybridge Basin. Most of these waters are nowadays included within the Blackwater Estuary Management Plan area, which designates the locality as one for nature conservation. The area is also classed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), a Special Protection Area (SPA) and bears the International Designation as a RAMSAR site. The waters also form part of the Essex Estuaries European Marine Site management scheme.
This Video is to give an idea of the channel at low water as it was on the date it was filmed. Up to date charts should be referred to for navigation in Maldon Harbour. This Video is for illustration purposes.